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Wednesday, July 29, 2020

How to Survive and Succeed as a Freelancer with Kids


Everyone wants to be independent and self-reliant in their life. But life is not same every time, the ideal person is one who can adapt to the changed circumstances and phases of life. This read will help you get an idea on how you can succeed as a freelancer with kids or searching freelancing jobs for beginners.

Freelancers many times tag themselves as “Being their own Boss”. This is the biggest reason why people take up freelance work. There are various advantages one can enjoy with Freelance jobs such as:

  • Flexibility to work in different time zones and preferable shifts
  • Preference to choose the work of choice
  • Balancing work and life
  • Option to choose the clients you want to work with

The success of a freelancer lies in the ability to maneuver the life conditions and balance life as per situations. One biggest challenge that people especially mother’s face is balancing their freelance work along with the kids. Let us look at how to survive and succeed as a freelancer with kids.

Table of Contents

Freelancing Jobs for Beginners

I remember the saying that anything that is ‘new and strange’ is difficult and time-consuming while any work which is a hobby or the person having an expertise in takes lesser time. Thus, it is always helpful to use one’s skills as a freelancer. It is important to find freelancing jobs that suits the choice and interest areas of the person.

There are various options that a person can choose as a career option when doing freelance work from home:

And the list goes on. One should always choose an option that he/she is comfortable with. This will helps save a lot of time and would help in succeeding as a freelancer with kids.

Tip: “Choose a career option in which the freelancer has the most comfort and edge over others”

Some Ways to Thrive and Succeed as a Freelancer with Kids

#1. Customer Relationship

In life especially with kids, one is destined to have certain busy days and some unpredictable situations where the person needs to focus on the kids or pay attention to their personal life. This is the time when your relations with the client comes to rescue.

Remember the relationship with a client is not built in a short time but requires continuous efforts and timely delivery over a span of time.

Customer relationship is one thing that can reap you benefits for a long duration.

Tip: “Leverage your relationship with the client at the time you require the most”

Must Read | How the Freelance Work Culture is Changing Technology in Business

#2. Use the flexibility of Working in Different Time Zones

One of the most important benefits of Freelance jobs is the flexibility to work in different time Zones. It is supportive to work as per the daily schedule of your kid. Try to pick the work-hours when the kid is sleeping or when the kid is busy doing his play or learning activities.

In freelance Writing Jobs and most of the other freelance jobs you can work as per your convenience.

Build a schedule for the day with the kid, develop a habit of making the kid sleep in the afternoon.

Tip: “Schedule daily activities for yourself and your kid and follow them, this will give enough time to finish work and manage your engagements”

#3. Keeping the Kid Engaged

Another way you can succeed as a freelancer is keeping your kid engaged in different learning or playing activities. This will provide a dual advantage. On one side you are able to work on your assignments while keeping a watch on your kid, and the other benefit is that your kid can learn through these educational games and apps.

Nowadays the market is flooded with games and applications that help in the development of intellectual and motor skills of the kids.

Tip: “Spend on some good learning toys which will help in brain development of your child as well as provide satisfaction to you as a parent”

Also See | How to Become Independent Working Online: 7 Tips and Tricks

#4. Work as a Team

Teamwork is essential everywhere and a freelance job is a no exception to this rule. You can have a team built around for freelance workers who are equally efficient in freelance work. There are so many online freelancers available as well.

The benefit of having a team is that you can ask for their services in case you are occupied with anything urgent.

Saying no to the client could lead to losing the client. Therefore, it would always benefit to have at least two more people with requisite skills work in close proximity. You can get them to work on the assignment and yourself be the face for the client.

Tip: “Collaboration is the key to success, support each other in tough times”

#5. Do Things Smartly

Divide the freelance work between yourself, as a parent. Both the parents need to play smart and distribute the responsibilities among themselves. As parents, it is important for both to understand their roles and responsibilities.

The best way is to do the work alternatively with one parent doing the work and the other taking care of the kids. This way you can balance the work as well you are not compromising on your biggest responsibility which is upbringing of the kids.

You can succeed as a freelancer only when you can balance the two fronts.

Tip: “Know each other’s strengths and respect their work”

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#6. Hire Services for Household Jobs

Spend time in the most efficient way. It is acceptable to shell out some money from the pocket and get the household work done by different service providers and maids. You can hire maids for cleaning, washing, cooking, and other household jobs.  This way you will get a lot of time to focus on your freelance jobs from home.

You can earn a lot more during the extra free time. The most important thing is you will be able to focus on your work and gain satisfaction out of the freelancing opportunities.

Tip: “Be a smart player, focus on your abilities even if you have to spend some money”

#7. Hire a Nanny for the Kids

Another way to succeed in the field of freelancing is by hiring a Nanny to take care of the kids. This way the Nanny can take care of your kid and you can focus on your work.

But it is important to hire a Nanny from some official source with proper documentation and validation. You should not leave your children completely in the hands of Nanny. One should keep a close eye on the Nanny especially in the early days.

As a parent your child is the biggest priority, spending some time to ensure that she is doing her job nicely will ensure a good upbringing for your kid and once the services are set, you can leverage more relaxation and succeed as a freelancer.

Tip: “Be inquisitive and have a watch on the Nanny initially”

Read | 19 Free Online Resources That Can Help You Start Out as a Freelancer

#8. Put Your Kid in a Play School or Kindergarten

You can also keep your kids in a kindergarten or a play school for 3-4 hrs. This way your kids can have an outing, learn new activities, have a play time with other kids and you can have those personalized peaceful hours for taking out time for your freelance work.

Your child will learn so many activities that even after the play school, he will be busy doing those activities at home.

As a parent make a point to take a continuous feedback from the school and see in case there is any wrong habit inculcated in the kid.

Tip: “It is important to search for a school that has a good reputation and gives attention to the child”

#9. Take Help of Your Extended Family Members

If you are lucky to have an extended family, be it your parents or your wife’s parents. You can leave the kids to them, this will give multiple advantages:

  • You don’t have to worry about anything after leaving your kid with them.
  • Secondly, your child will inculcate moral values like respecting the elders, learning about the culture, sharing the experiences.
  • Thirdly your kid will develop a bond with your extended family.

While the kids are with them, you can rest assured and focus on your freelance career.

This is the best way one can succeed as a freelancer.

Lastly, you can leave your kids to play in the dirt sometimes, scribble in their own writing or see some cartoons, watch videos etc. Once in a while that is pretty OK as long as the kid is not developing an addiction to these things.

Wrapping up

Above are some of the effective ways of achieving your career goals along with bringing up your kids. Most of the things mentioned above might require your time investment initially but later the things will settle down and you will have ample time for your work.

Both things are important for your growth, your career is as important as your kids. Nothing can be left unattended. Just remember that you cannot do things alone, you require the support of your family members. Discuss and bring up the best solution that suits your family. Have a mutual decision on things and find the solution that helps you succeed as a freelancer.

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Gaurav Jain

Article by Gaurav Jain

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