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Saturday, October 10, 2020

How to Get Your Side Gig Off the Ground

Reading Time: 3 mins

For millions of Americans across the nation, the COVID pandemic has resulted in a serious financial struggle. Some people have lost their jobs completely, while others have had their hours cut substantially. Then there are those who are being told to work from home and can’t return to work for a long time.

If you find yourself in this position, you might be wondering how you’re going to get back up after a tumultuous year where you have struggled to pay the bills. Now could be the best time to get your side gig off the ground – but how? Let’s talk about it. Here is how to get your side gig started, so that you can bridge the gap for lack of income right now.

1. Find Something You Enjoy

If you’re going to do something on the side to help pay the bills, you need to make sure that it’s something you enjoy. The thing about a side gig is that it can be one of many things – from starting an Etsy shop to developing websites online, to riding for Uber.

There are plenty of things that you can turn into a side gig, but you’ve got to make sure that you choose something you’re going to enjoy. Otherwise, you’ll end up getting burnt out pretty quickly, and you won’t want to put the time and effort into it that it deserves. Have a real think about your passions and see if there’s something that you can turn into a part-time paying job.

2. Figure Out the Costs

How much is it really going to cost you to get your side gig off the ground? Is it more than you anticipated? Before you even think about how you’re going to fit your part-time job into everything else, you need to work out how much it’s going to set you back.

Whether you need materials or more time away from your day job, everything about your side gig is going to cost in some way. This is why it’s important to sit down and figure out every cost that it involves, from the biggest thing to the smallest.

This is also a great chance to see whether you need to take out a short-term loan for it or not. Car title loans and personal loans are great options for side gigs because they offer cash quickly and have flexible repayment options.

3. Get the Word Out

You can’t expect to be passive about your side gig and have your clients come to you. If you want to turn it into something that can pay a few of the bills consistently, then you need to network. Some part-time jobs won’t require you to do your own marketing, like riding for Uber, but if you plan on being your own boss, you’ll need to know how to promote your gig.

One of the best and most affordable ways to grow your side gig is to talk about it through word of mouth. You can talk to your friends and family about what you’re doing, and get them to mention it to others. You can also share it on Facebook and Instagram, and set up pages so that people can see what you’re offering and where they can find it.

4. Set Your Expectations Realistically

While you might win the lottery when it comes to your side gig idea, the reality for most is that it’s going to take a bit of time before you end up earning as much as you’d like. Of course, there are stories all over the internet about how people are earning six-figure salaries from their side gig, but for the vast majority, this isn’t the case.

This is why you need to set your expectations according to what you think you can realistically achieve with it. Otherwise, you won’t be prepared for setbacks, and you’ll throw in the towel too early.

There’s never been a better time than right now to get your side gig off the ground. Make the most of these tips, and good luck!

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